Colon Cancer Screenings

As you get older, your doctor is probably going to recommend various tests and screenings at your regular checkups to protect and maintain your health and wellness. If you are over the age of 50 or have a family history of colon cancer, a Colon Cancer Screeningwise course of action is to visit Dr. Vikram Jayanty, your gastroenterology specialist at the Houston Endoscopy and Research Center in Houston, TX, to talk about whether you are due for a colon cancer screening. Learn more about this important preventive exam that will help ensure the good health of your colon.

Colon Cancer Screening: The Process
The formal name of the test that you will take to check your colon is a colonoscopy. A tubular device called an endoscope, which has a camera attached, is inserted into the rectum and gently guided through the large and small intestines. You will be relaxed with a sedative during this procedure, so there is no need to worry about discomfort. The day before your appointment, you’ll need to fast and maintain a strict regimen to ensure that your intestinal tract is clear.

Reasons for a Screening
Colon cancer is a disease that affects over 100,000 Americans every year, according to estimates published by the American Cancer Society. It’s something that is preventable, as precancerous growths and polyps can be removed by a gastroenterologist. In fact, if precancerous tissue is identified during a screening, they might be removed at that same appointment by your Houston, TX, gastroenterology specialist. Going in for this test will also give you and Dr. Jayanty peace of mind knowing that your colon and intestinal tract is in good condition.

When Is a Colon Cancer Screening Suggested?
If any of the following apply to your case, your gastroenterologist would likely suggest that you come in for a routine screening:

- Patients age 50 and older are encouraged to have this test.
- There is a previous patient history of colon problems or polyps.
- There is a familial history of colorectal cancer.
- Lifestyle and diet factors that could increase the probability of developing this condition.

Get Screened
If you believe it may be time for a colon cancer screening, see a gastroenterology specialist at the Houston Endoscopy and Research Center in Houston, TX. Call (713) 932-9200 today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jayanty!

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