Common Causes of Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is a common complaint for many people. Although pain often goes away fairly quickly, lingering or severe pain may be a sign that it's time to call Dr. Vikram Jayanty, your gastroenterologist in Houston, TX.

Common causes of abdominal pain

Constipation or indigestion may be the cause of minor, short-term abdominal pain. If food is the culprit, your pain may disappear in just a few hours, while pain due to constipation will ease after a bowel movement.

More serious causes of abdominal pain can include appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, hernias, gallstones, kidney stones and intestinal blockages. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is another possible cause of abdominal pain. Although flareups can be very painful, IBS usually doesn't cause any damage to your gastrointestinal tract.

When should I contact the gastroenterologist?

It's a good idea to call the Houston gastroenterology office if:

  • You have severe pain: Severe pain should be evaluated by your gastroenterologist. If you have severe pain and can't reach your doctor immediately, go to the emergency room. It's also important to go to the emergency room if your abdominal pain is accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness and nausea, or the pain radiates to your arm or jaw.
  • You've had pain for at least a week: Make an appointment with your gastroenterologist if you've had mild to moderate pain for a week or more.
  • You're constipated: Call your gastroenterologist if constipation lasts more than three or four days. If constipation starts suddenly and is accompanied by severe pain or vomiting, go to the emergency room.
  • Your pain keeps returning: Did your pain disappear for a few days only to suddenly return? Persistent pain, even if it doesn't occur every day or seems mild, should also be evaluated.
  • You feel sick: Do you feel unwell or have a fever in addition to your abdominal pain? Let your doctor know as soon as possible.
  • You're bloated or have diarrhea: If abdominal pain accompanied by bloating or diarrhea lasts longer than a few days, you need to see your gastroenterologist.
  • You've lost weight: Contact your doctor if your weight is dropping even though you haven't been trying to lose weight.

Is abdominal pain a frequent problem for you? Call your Houston, TX, gastroenterologist, Dr. Jayanty, at (713) 932-9200 to schedule your appointment.

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